I finished another upholstery project this weekend you guys! Introducing my new reupholstered Ticking Stripe Farmhouse Chair.
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As some of you may know I live on a 40-acre farm with horses and goats, chickens, a few dogs, and even a pet pig.
Oddly enough we don’t have a lot of farmhouse decor so this farmhouse style chair was a happy edition.
A while back I did a super in-depth 3 part reupholstery series, where I went step-by-step through the upholstery process. Including reupholstering a chair that has channels.
I also blogged about a set of french chairs I reupholstered and did a makeover on using drop cloth and a hand-stitched design.
I’ve said this before in my other upholstery posts that like any hobby the more you practice something the better your skills improve.
This chair is a great example of that.

I think this chair has been my best makeover yet. I’m really happy with how it turned out.
I found this chair at an Arc Thrift Store a few months ago. It was on a Saturday so the chair was half off so I got it for just $15

I really love chairs that have a lot of wood detail around its frame. When I saw this chair it actually reminded me of a chair that Liz from Liz Marie Blog blogged about a while back.

I loved her chair so much.
So when I saw this cutie at the thrift store I was really inspired to try and replicate it.

It sat in my shed for months but when I finally pulled it out to work on it I started to rethink trying to replicate Liz’s chair.
I still love hers but it’s been my experience that whenever I try to copy something I’ve seen it never really turns out the way I had hoped.
I also wasn’t sure whether or not I was going to keep the chair or try to sell it at some point. And in cases like that, it’s always best to stay on the safer side when it comes to design.
I’ve been seeing ticking stripe fabric everywhere
On Pinterest and in the homes of other bloggers I read and I even have a few pillows in ticking stripe fabric myself.
It’s such a versatile pattern and it’s classic. It easily gives a home a farmhouse feel.
But if you pair it with other patterns can work in many other home decor styles.
I did some Pinterest searching looking for chairs upholstered in ticking stripe fabric to see if it was something that would work for this chair and I stumbled on a pin I had saved a while back.

It’s a french chair from Miss Mustard Seed upholstered in ticking stripe with burlap back and braided jute trim.

It’s gorgeous I love the look of that chair.
Like I said whenever I try to replicate something it never turns out quite right.
However, MMS’s chair and my chair were so different in style I felt it wasn’t a matter of replicating but rather a place of inspiration to draw from.
I wasn’t at all confident that it would look ok.
I was actually pretty worried that it would be way too much ticking stripes given how much larger this chair was.
But I went for it anyway.

I feel like I’m bragging here, I hope it doesn’t come off that way.
But don’t you just love it when you put all this effort into something and the work pays off?
There were a few challenging parts to this upholstery project.
So the fact that I was able to somewhat successfully pull it off makes me feel good.
I had to sew channels for the back, I had to sew a new box cushion (and to be honest my sewing skills aren’t great), I had to make piping, I had to re-tuft the buttons, and I had to manipulate the fabric around all the chairs curves on the frame.

Since so much of this chair is covered in fabric I had to spend more money than I like to so needless to say I was nervous.
One wrong mess up and I’d have to scrap it and start over.
And surprisingly, ticking stripe fabric is kind of expensive. Not quite sure why but it is.
Anywho, what do you guys think of my new ticking stripe farmhouse chair?

I went back and forth about whether or not I should do the back in burlap or if I should stay safe and stick with the ticking stripe.
I really liked the burlap back on MMS’s chair
But again that chair is significantly smaller and I worried it would look funky.
In the end, I’m happy with the burlap. I think it is what really gives the chair a true farmhouse look.
But I’d love to hear your guys’ opinion.

I used two types of jute trim for the farmhouse chair.
The one I used for the inside was thinner and more of a cording type braided design. The hope was that using a thinner and simplistic trim would focus the eye towards the stripes while also not making it look too busy.
While for the outside I used a thicker jute trim to add some detail to the large burlap back.

I’ve really started to love upholstery projects! It’s overwhelming for me trying to decide on a fabric.
There are so many options when it comes to design but it’s super fun to see the end result!

Now that I’ve finished this guy, I look at my previous projects and it makes me want to redo them again.
If you guys are wanting to get into upholstery I highly recommend reading my 3 part step-by-step upholstery series. It’s super detailed:
Are you guys like that too with your hobbies?
I always do that.
Finish something, love the way it looks, and then finish another project and suddenly I don’t like the previous one.
I have some leftover fabric so I’m considering redoing a chair with it.
Now I see why everyone is so obsessed with ticking stripes and farmhouse home decor. I may have just started a new obsession!
Thanks for stopping by the blog!
I hope you enjoyed this upholstery project.
Do you guys like the more detailed upholstery posts where I go through the process with you?
Or do you like these before and after reveals instead?
Leave a comment below letting me know, and I can write about things you guys are interested in!