5 Must Try Spring and Summer Drop Cloth DIY Projects

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Hey Hi Hello HPG friends!

I hope you all are having a great week!

I want to apologize to you all for my absence here on the blog the past couple weeks.

I’ve been working on a couple super exciting DIY Projects I was planning on sharing with ya’ll

Which I promise is coming very soon

But as some of you may know I live in Colorado and the weather recently changed from 70+ degrees and so so sunny out to dreary and rainy

It’s actually raining and hailing outside as I’m sitting here writing this

I had planned on taking some photos for ya’ll of the finished projects but the weather here is making it a tad difficult.

But I missed you all so much I just had to pop in on you guys and say hello

With the weather changing from winter to spring I thought it would be a good time to share some fun DIY projects perfect for spring and summer using drop cloth!

I love drop cloth because in the last several years it has become such a versatile fabric used in a lot of projects recently.

You most likely have seen it being used in DIY drop cloth curtain projects like the ones I posted about a while back.

But there are SO many different projects you can use drop cloth in

Drop cloth is so cheap and a nice heavy fabric

You can find it at your local hardware store usually, but Amazon carries a large variety of sizes of drop cloth usually a bit cheaper.

It comes in a neutral tan-ish color but I’ve also seen a lot of people bleaching their drop cloth white lately.

Because of its neutral look, it blends well with so many different home decor styles too!

So without further ado, let’s get to the list of 5 Must-Try Spring and Summer Drop Cloth DIY Projects!

Drop Cloth Floral Textured Pillows

I don’t know about you guys, but when I think spring I things flowers and bees and freshness.

If you’re all about home decor you’ll probably be giving all rooms of your house a good spring refresh and decor revamp.

I saw this fun Rose Textured Pillow tutorial from the Little Yellow Wheelbarrow blog and thought it was such a cute idea.

I love love love textured pillows, I usually find mine at HomeGoods but quality accent pillows like this can be so expensive.

Even at a place like HomeGoods

A project like this would save you so much money, you could get creative with it and try other flower designs if you’re feeling ambitious

but Laura from the Little Yellow Wheelbarrow has a great step by step tutorial you can follow.

Now that I’m looking at these pillows again I’m so inspired to try it out myself I may just try it out after I finish this post!

Drop Cloth Covered Plant Covers

Alright, so I’ve been on Pinterest a lot lately in search of a cute patio and small garden decor ideas.

I live in an apartment right now, so, unfortunately, I don’t have a big backyard I can go crazy in

but with the weather being so nice lately, I’ve been itching to start putting together a cute little patio area I can sit and read a book or do some work

hopefully and a little space to plant a small garden.

While I was deep deep in the Pinterest black hole I too often find myself in I found this photos of burlap covered terracotta herbs

I really like the burlap but being as I always seem to have drop cloth laying around

I thought the herbs I have now and the plants I plan on planting later on my patio would look so cute in a drop cloth sack instead

As an added bonus this projects looks like it would be super simple to recreate.

I plan on adding some sort of cute little marker on the sack too for identifying the herb or plant.

I’ll be sure to share that project with you guys when/ if I finish it.

DIY Drop Cloth Hamper

Alright, so one of these DIY hampers has been on my to-do list for SOOOO long now…

(Like everything in my life.)

My boyfriend and I live together and he has been using one of those big plastic totes people use to store random crap, in their garage as a hamper for as long as we’ve been dating.

Often though none of his clothes actually end up in the hamper.

Instead, they usually end up randomly scattered on our bedroom and closet floor.

I won’t lie, I can’t pretend I’m much better.

There are a few really cute versions I’ve found.

I really like the ones that have wheels on the bottom because I’m lazy and wheels.

Can you say yes please

But again I’m lazy and cheap and like to try and not spend money if at all possible

I came up with a slightly modified version that’s just as easy to make and just as cute but doesn’t require the extra materials the rolling ones use!

Easy DIY Farmhouse Hamper made from Drop Cloth

You can find the tutorial to this DIY Hamer here!

Now you can toss out that ugly plastic hampers for good. This slightly different version is just as cute, super easy AND it can be hung on the wall to free up some space instead of laying on the floor.

All you need for this easy DIY drop cloth hamper is some drop cloth, some string or twine like I used and maybe a cute little stamp.

DIY Spring Inspired Vintage Botanical Hanging Prints

I’d bet my bottom dollar that you’ve seen these vintage botanical prints somewhere in the Pinterest-sphere

I’ve made a couple of these guys years back that still today hang in my room.

I made mine however on actual paper rather than drop cloth, but I think they would look even better on canvas!

Botanical prints are kind of a perfect DIY project for spring and summer don’t you think!

Are you a fan of the show New Girl?

If you’re familiar with the show you may have noticed the Botanical print hanging in Jess’s room.

I really want to make a copycat of that sucker, we’ll see if it happens.

What’s so great about these kinds of posters are how many different styles there are.

No matter what your home decor style is, you’ll probably find a print that fits your style and brightens up your walls.

DIY Patio Curtains

I started out talking about patio inspiration and drop cloth curtain tutorials like the drop cloth curtain DIY I shared in an earlier post.

So it makes sense I include them in this list too!

The blazing summer sun is coming out and some fun DIY Patio Curtains would be just the thing to keep you cool.

I really like these ones here that I found on this blog called the French Country Cottage.

I like how they drop down rather than slide out.

Do you guys know the name of this style of curtains?

Even though these ones are inside I think they’d work really well on a patio or some type of gazebo too.

DIY Egg Foraging Apron

Ok ok I know I said there were only 5 DIY Drop Cloth projects on this list…

However, after I shared this DIY Egg Foraging Apron on the blog I needed to at least mention it in this post.

I am pretty proud of this project. I know the fabric I used isn’t actually drop cloth. But I think drop cloth would work perfectly for this apron so I had to drop it in here as another project idea for ya’ll.

You can read all about how and why I made this apron HERE and why it needs to be added to your list of Spring and Summer DIY projects!

Ok, guys, now that really is it for today’s post.

I know there are so many more DIY projects you can do with drop cloth.

To keep this list from getting too long, these are the 5 (but really 6) DIY projects that I would be fun Spring and Summer projects this year.

If you have a clever drop cloth DIY share it with me in the comments below I’d love to hear them!

Also, if you enjoyed today’s post be sure to also leave that in the comments below!

Thanks for joining me on the blog today, I love you guys.

Bye, ya’ll!!

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