Wow. It’s been quite a while since I’ve been on the blog with you guys, and for that, I apologize so much! Not that I’m at all a known blogger, regardless whether this is your first time here or you’ve been a frequent visitor thank you so much for stopping by my little corner of the internet today!!! You have no idea how much it means to me!!
Because it’s been so long since I’ve posted here on the blog, I thought I’d take today to introduce myself and tell you about what this blog is all about, and what I’ve been up to!
Since I started this blog A LOT has happened! Probably the biggest thing that has changed is where I now live, I’m sure by the title of this post you didn’t have to guess too hard that we now live on a farmhouse!
Before we talk about the farmhouse though let me give you guys some backstory. When I started I was living in a two bedroom apartment with my boyfriend in the city of Westminster Colorado.
One of my many dreams for years was to have a blog of my own where I could share DIY projects with anyone who was interested and pretty photos I stumbled on while lost in the ever so addicting Pinterest feed.
Now I don’t think I’ve ever shared this with you guys or really many people for that matter, but growing up I really struggled in academics. Specifically Math, (like the majority of us struggle with Math I’m sure) and English.
I struggled with these two subjects so much in fact that I was placed not just in a lower ranking Math and English class, but also additional ones on top of the Math and English classes I already was taking.
I ended up testing out of these classes right before my freshman year in high school, but even after testing out I always felt self conscious of my intellect. I always compared myself to everyone else and constantly feared that at any moment a teacher would call on me for an answer and I’d be left with crippling embarrassment.
This is something I still struggle with today and one of the reasons why it took me so long to start a blog. I’m telling you this story because I don’t claim to be a great writer, in fact, I often feel my jumbled thoughts get lost when trying to articulate them.
However, if you can get past my lack of professional writing style, I promise I’ll do my best to bring you guys the best posts and projects I possibly can.
Alright, now that that’s out of the way, if you’re still reading it’s time to get on with the rest of this post and tell you what the heck I’ve been up to for so long.
So, like I said I was living in a small apartment when I started this blog and I had every intention of filling this blog with DIY projects that hopefully would spark inspiration among other things. However, as felt like all the projects I wanted to do were hindered by my lack of actual space.
Honestly, though I think I was just making excuses for myself there were plenty of things I could write and share with ya’ll with the space I was living in. But I’m not going to dwell on the past. It is what it is.
To see some of my previous DIY projects I HAVE posted you can go HERE to check them out!

Fast forward to today where my boyfriend, my two fur babies Tyler, Oakley and I now rent a “farmhouse” on a 40-acre ranch equipped with over 13 horses some goats, a ton of chickens and most recently a new adopted “mini” potbelly pig named Oliver. Say, Howdy Ollie!

I have ALWAYS wanted to live on a farm!! Guys, I’m serious it has been a dream of mine since I can’t even remember. What I do remember is shortly after I adopted Tyler (my Border Collie mix) at 8 months I looked at him and promised him I would one day get a farm for us.
It’s years later and Tylers’ now 6 years old and it’s finally happened, and I’m at complete and total bliss every day. And what’s more, I no longer have the excuse of not blogging those projects I had wanted too.
Like I said I wanted to write this post to say thank you so much for stopping by because it really has been a dream of mine, but I also wanted to kick this new and exciting beginning off to introduce myself, share a bit of my background and tell you about the kinds of things I’ll be writing about.
So as I mentioned, I will be sharing my DIY projects with you guys but I also want to write about what it’s like to live on a farm.
I’ve found very few blogs that talk about farm or ranch living, and I am definitely NOT an expert on farm living myself but I thought I’d take you all on the journey with me and along the way share those experiences with you and what I’m learning.
Side Note: A few farmhouse/ Ranch style blogs I’ve found and love are,,, and I read these blogs practically every day, and highly recommend them if you’re looking for more farm-centric blogs.
Just as a little sneak peek at life on the farm here, it is my pleasure to introduce this cute little guy the newest member to the farm. I haven’t given him a name yet but his mom’s name is Milkdud, and her little boy is only a few days old in these photos.

Can you believe how big they come out, and how fast they start walking?! I haven’t been able to pet him yet. Mommy is very protective and he’s pretty unsure of people understandably, but gosh isn’t he cute?!
You should see him when he runs he wobbles around and stomps his little hoofs on the ground with this very curious look on his face like he’s thinking “what the heck are these things?!”.
We also just had a mamma hen hatch I think 4 or 5 little chicks. I’m not quite sure because like Milkdud she’s very protective and they’re pretty scared still. Every time I come in to do a feeding, if they’re waddling around they immediately run under mammas feathers and she ushers them into their nest and sits down and they’ve suddenly disappeared from sight.
Finger crossed I can get a photo of them soon for you guys but none the less you can definitely tell Spring is in the air. OHH, and I’m pretty sure the goats are pregnant too! They have a much shorter gestation period so if they are we should have baby goats this summer too!

Alright, you guys, I know I’ve yammered on and this post is probably turning out too long. I just wanted to say one last thank you for stopping by and I hope you’ll visit again and really hope you’ll enjoy my upcoming posts.
Also, I want to make sure I’m writing about things you guys are interested in learning about, so if there’s anything you guys would like me to specifically focus on here at the farm in my upcoming posts please comment below and I’ll be sure to read and focus on that.
Until then, bye 🙂